Saturday, September 09, 2006

Is Disney a front for the Illuminati, or Welcome to the Forest of No Return

Tuffy P saw this in the Globe & Mail today. Walt Disney World has introduced a 'technology upgrade'. They are using fingerprint scanning technology of the type used to control access to high-level security venues and applying it to their parks. Do you believe them when they tell you it's OK? They keep the data independent of their other systems. I'm sure our identities are safe, aren't you? Be afraid.


* (asterisk) said...

Dissemination of identity info to third parties is a real concern, and it's one of things that bothers me about the proposed UK ID-card scheme. Very scary.

Anonymous said...

The Disney Empire has always made me uneasy and slightly nauseous. My fear of furries was quite enough to keep me away. You've uncovered yet another good reason to avoid the land of weirdness.

Gardenia said...

well, i'm all for it IF it protects me & my family from terrorists and child molesters. however the potential for misuse is scary. my marketing teacher bought to light the corporations that are preparing to place id tags inside our purchases to obtain marketing info - maybe its all more sinister? I don't know, maybe so if it is money driving the snooping.

tshsmom said...

I heard that the only reason they're doing this, is to make sure that season pass holders aren't sharing their passes. Kind of a pricey(and intrusive) way to make sure your customers are honest IMO.