Sunday, August 27, 2006

From the oddball musical instruments department

via The Presurfer
Readers of this blog will know that I love musical instruments, including oddball ones. I even own as "Banjmo", or banjo dulcimer. This instrument, though, the Pikasso, is a beaut. It was commissioned by Pat Metheny in 1984. To me, it doesn't look very playable, but this site lists some songs it is played on, including a cut with Ornette Coleman. Contrary to what you may be thinking, Mr. Metheny doesn't have 8 arms.


Anonymous said...

It's obviously meant to be set on top of a bar and played with chop-sticks by several people at the same time. I really don't see what the problem is.

mister anchovy said...

Yes, of course, like a zither.....requires beer as fuel.

Candy Minx said...

I think a couple of those guitar necks could hold some serious lines of Peruvian magic powder. We are talking about Pat Metheny after all :)

Timmer said...

HA, ha! I love that guitar, it's like a Picasso!