Sunday, July 23, 2006

Tree Down

This tree came down a few days ago up at Tuffy's dad's cottage in the Kawarthas. It landed on two small oaks, and it remains to be seen if they can be saved.


* (asterisk) said...

Wow, that's scary! Hope the oaks can be saved; it would be a great shame if not...

Anonymous said...

Amazing!Glad to hear no one was hurt. Sorry to hear about the tree. Hope you can save the others.
By the wat how did Tuffy get her name?

mister anchovy said...

The Staggman, Emperor of Ephemera started calling her da Tuff Princess years ago, then out came The Princess of Tuff, and finally, her hiphop name, Tuffy P.
I can't explain further, you'd have to know Staggman. He also named me mister anchovy.