Sunday, March 05, 2006

Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer

This book was given to me by my brother-in-law over a year ago, but I didn't get to it until recently. This is often the case with books and me. I have a pile, down in the living room. They accumulate there, and I read them all eventually, picking the one that strikes my fancy when I'm ready to start a new one.

I've not read any of Mr. Krakauer's other books. I may be one of the few people I know who has not read Into Thin Air. Also, going into this read, I knew little about Mormanism except that it was peculiarly, a North American religion.

Although the book is a little awkward and in parts, rambling, it is an eye-opening story of religious conviction in America leading to cold-blooded murder. As well, it offers a history of Mormanism in America, one coloured by conflict and violence.

The wacky business of polygamy in Colorado City and in Bountiful BC, practices that include rape of girls (so-called spiritual marriage) as young as 13 as well as incest, still occurs today. This isn't happening in some far-off exotic country; it's happening very close to home. Bountiful is only a few hours by car from Calgary!

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