How To Hop a Freight Train by Wes Modes
A visit over to Information Junk often yields a wealth of treasures. Take this brief guide to hopping a freight. If you're going to do it, you want to do it right. For instance, consider this advice: "Your safety is the most important consideration. Don't take short cuts to save time. Tank cars carry all sorts of nasty shit and provide no good place to ride; don't ride 'em. Loaded flatcars and loaded gondolas provide you the opportunity to be crushed or pushed off a car by a shifting load; don't ride 'em. Cars marked Bad Order are broken but are frequently not removed from service; don't ride 'em".
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That's going to come in handy, I just know it.
That was my thought case, say, I wake up one morning and find myself saying, self, why don't you go ride a train.
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