tuffy p needs a tow
Yesterday, Tuffy headed up to Richmond Hill to see her father, but she didn't make it. Her car started acting weird. The brakes weren't working, the engine was racing in spurts. She pulled off the Allen at Shepherd and parked ON THE SIDEWALK at the Downsview subway station, where she called me to come keep her company while she waited for a tow. When I got there I pulled right up there besider her. She had her flashers on and the hood up. Tuffy has Canadian Tire Auto Club, which are the competition to CAA up here. It took them well over two hours to get a tow truck to us. In all that time, nobody came by and said, 'hey, you can't park up here on the sidewalk'. I'm convinced that in Canada, as long as you have your flashers on, you can do anything. Everyone is too polite to challenge you.
LOL....if that was in an American city, some one would have yelled "hey, get the hell offa the sidewalk you stupid f***ing jerk. you Canadians ae way too nice!
hey, there are plenty of nice Americans too...mostly its your government that is jimmied....(was it Mark Twain who said, "Loyalty to your country always, loyalty to your government, when they deserve it"?
ahh, there are a lot of nice Americans, but just as many who would have yelled the affore mentioned statement!
As for the people who rule the world's largest banana republic.... (greatwhitebear heaves large sigh here)
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