Wednesday, September 14, 2005

St. Clair Today

I posted a while ago that construction was starting on St. Clair Ave. for the street car right-of-way. The city has posted some pictures of St. Clair as it is today, and they promise to add new ones as the construction progresses. I think the project is a done deal, although there are still protest signs in front of the Delta Bingo, just west of Old Weston Rd. I don't want to be the stuffy stick-in-the-mud here, opposed to all change, and I agree that parts of the street could use some work - but still I fear we are going to lose some of the character of our neighbourhood, and we won't be able to have it back. I took the St. Clair car to and from work (in conjunction with the subway), when I worked near Yonge and Dundas. Service was really pretty good. The only problem I could see was around rush hour, when they had difficulty balancing the cars along the length of the route. As a result, they sometimes 'short-turned' the St. Clair westbound car at Lansdowne with no notice, leaving riders the option of waiting for the next car or walking. For me, it was no big deal - I just walked the extra two or three blocks.

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