Going fishing
Saturday morning, I'm heading out of town until Monday evening to chase some trout, so things will be quiet here on mister anchovy. While you're here, though, check out some of the links - they'll take you to some very interesting and entertaining blogs.
This photo is of my father, with a sturgeon he caught in the Nottawasga River. With him is my big brother Joey, not so big at that time. My dad used to tell stories about that sturgeon - he point at my brother, and he'd say, "Son, that fish was bigger than you, and better looking too."
When I was in HS, an old black man, fishing for Bullhead off the Bob-Lo boat dock, caught a 150 lb Sturgeon. It took him several hours to land it, and by the time he did there were news crews there recording the whole thing, and couple of hundred people had gathered to watch. A guy from the band, who regularly fished for "pickeral" off the boat had a gaff and helped get the fish ashore. Apparently it wasn't a record for either Michigan or the Detroit river, but it was sure impressive!
ps..hope the trout are hitting! We spent 7 hours on the Eel yesterday canoeing, and the few people who were out there were killin smallies!
So, are these edible fishies? Or, so you have to toss 'em back?
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