Thursday, September 01, 2005

Beef Trout Karaoke

Beef Trout Karaoke, originally uploaded by mister anchovy.

And here's another from the same period - Beef Trout Karaoke. This one is bigger than Shack Nasty, and also oil on canvas. The title came from a sign in front of some joint in Hamilton, Montana, in the Bitterroot Valley. Mike and I were out there chasing trout. The car broke down at Lake Como and we got towed into Hamilton. The local flyshop guy arranged for a rent-a-car for us, and sent us up to a little mountain stream called Skalkaho. This lovely little stream held a good population of chunky cutthoat trout. If you're there, camp at Black Bear campground and explore upstream. Downstream the creek flows through some private land, then disappears, as the entire creek is used for irrigation. In the mountain west, water is power.

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