Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Pouch Cove, Newfoundland

Pipe House 037, originally uploaded by mister anchovy.

Tuffy P. (AKA Sheila Gregory), is having an exhibition of her paintings in Pouch Cove, Newfoundland. She'll be flying out there next week. This photo was taken at Pouch by Jim Baird. Here's what the press release says:

The inaugural show for James Baird's large new exhibition space at the
Pouch Cove Foundation is Toronto based artist Sheila Gregory's FLIP +.

Ms Gregory's eighty foot, yes 80 feet, long seminal painting FLIP is so
colourful, vibrant, and dynamic that it will blow all viewers away. The
PLUS is a series of new work that shows the development of the artist's
painting practice over the past number of years.

Opening Sunday August 21st, 2005, from 2-5 pm. The artist will be in
Refreshments will be served

If there are any mister anchovy readers in the St. John's area, I hope you have a chance to head on over to Pouch to see the show.


greatwhitebear said...

Wow, awesome pic! Sounds like a great place to have a show!

I hope she does extremely well!

Timmer said...

Tres cool!