Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Ornette Coleman

Ornette Coleman, originally uploaded by mister anchovy.

Here's a painting I made a few years ago, called Ornette Coleman. It is the only painting I think I've titled after a person. At the time, I was listening to a lot of Ornette Coleman in the studio, which, it turned out, had quite an effect on the way I approached my painting, (although it would be difficult for me to describe just how that worked). I was thinking about this because Ornette Coleman, at 75, is coming to Massey Hall, here in Toronto, at the end of October. I think it has been a very long time since he played in Toronto, and I'm really looking forward to the show.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Anchovy,

How very talented you are! This is an intriguing painting that is made more intriguing by the influence Ornette Coleman had on it. Are you a Renaissance man? Fisherman, artist.... what else?

The politics in my country are certainly discouraging. I enjoy civilized political debate, though being in the middle makes me willing to acquiesce to either side over particular issues, so I'm not much of a debater. However, our country has so many idiots in it who think their opinion should be heard that it tends to be depressing. I'm all for freedom of speech, but I'm tiring of it fast. Freedom of speech is great if you have a mind and the ability to connect reason with your mind's synapses, but it seems lately that people let the synapses fire before they connect them to reason. To base any argument on hatred for one man....well, I find that frightening. To base political action on hatred for one man is even more frightening. Get over it. Now people are blaming Bush for the hurricane. Like he has control over Mother Nature. It boggles my mind. As if having a democrat in the presidency, the hurricane wouldn't have happened. How officious we humans can be.

I won a fishing contest once at the Rod 'n Gun club in Kansas. It was at a pond at Fort Riley. Military bases have great stuff for kids. My fish was six inches long. ha ha ha. My father filleted it and my mother cooked it. Two bites, I think, by the time it came to the table.

mister anchovy said...

the what else is the squeezebox, miss minnow....I play the three-row button box as well as the piano accordion.

Anonymous said...

You are indeed a Renaissance man. I read something the other day about genius. The highest form of it is the ability to play music. I didn't look to see where 'the ability to fish' landed on the genius scale. Methinks it does not have a place. But I am sure it is as necessary for any genius to find the solace and time-out as fishing provides as it is to breathe. I am quite impressed about the squeezebox and the accordion - both quite difficult to play from what little I know.

I like "Beef Trout Karaoke". Is that a guitar or a chicken drumstick on his chest? "Shack Nasty" is okay. I love the little screamy face in the lower middle of the canvas. I bet he is screaming for his bone. He can't see it's up in the left-hand corner because he's looking the other way.

Do you name your paintings after you paint them or before? I wonder if Andy Warhol had that problem? That is, beyond the primary problem of trying to figure out why he was alive. I don't think he ever got it, though. What an effete ass he was.

Things are very sad in our country. The images out of the south are horrifying. The best in man and the worst in man all rolled up one disaster. To watch the news coverage is to flip-flop between crying and wanting to pull out a shotgun and kill a few scum at close range. I swear when I hear people talk about praying, I want to yell and holler like a moron and scream - "A lot of good your prayers did, eh?" Mother Nature rules.

Still, I am humbled by some of the sadder cases who say they thank the Lord they were saved. I don't get it, myself. What kind of God would do that in the first place?

mister anchovy said...

My father used to say, son, you must have music in you, because none of it ever comes out. I messed around with playing music some as a kid, but didn't really put any serious energy toward it until a couple years ago.

Anonymous said...

If he has the same band as I saw (son on drums, two double bass players and him) then you are in for a treat. It was fantastic.

greatwhitebear said...

Love this painting