Sunday, August 21, 2005

Above the bridge

Above the bridge, originally uploaded by mister anchovy.

Above the bridge - it looks like it is hard to get down in there, but it can be done, wading along the cliff wall along the left. This stretch often holds good sized rainbow trout. Rainbows are not native up here, but I suspect the town stocks them in the mill pond, and they escape down into the canyon.


greatwhitebear said...

rainbows (and their sea run cousins, steelhead) used to be about my favorite fish to fish for. People talk about largemouth for fight, but there isn't much more spectacular (or challenging to land} than a nice rainbow leaping 10' in the air.

mister anchovy said...

For years, I fished this stream and caught only brookies....then I started to catch the odd good sized brown trout, in the 15 inch range. It is only in the past three or four years that I've found rainbows there.