Tuesday, June 28, 2005


gyros, originally uploaded by mister anchovy.

This sign is in Chicago. The Staggman writes,"World's best Gyros, baby! Peter the Greek at work tells me real gyros are made of 65% beef, 30% lamb and rest of percent "other".

My question to you is this: What and where is the best street food in the world?

And, I ask you, please explain to me the difference between a gyros and a donair. Here's a clue


zydeco fish said...

I've heard that it is in Vietnam: it's plentiful, tasty, and cheap. Vietnam on my list of places I'd love to visit but will never get to.

greatwhitebear said...

I have to agree with Staggman.. Chicago street vendors rock!

mister anchovy said...

look at the spelling of cone....."coan"....